Dr. Alexander Aivasidisis Professor in the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. He was born in 1952 in Kavala (Greece)and he graduated in 1976 from the School of Chemical Engineering, Rhine-Westphalia Technical University of Aachen, Germany. He received his Ph.D. in 1979 from the same University, working on the homogeneous metathesis of olefins. For his diploma work,he received the Springorumaward, whereas for his Ph.D. dissertation he was awarded with the Borchersmedal. After Ph.D. graduation, he worked as postdoctoral fellow and senior researcher in the Institute of Biotechnology of the Julich Research Center (Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH). In 1984,he created and was the leader of a research group focusing on the development of new technologies in the field of biocatalysis and environmental biotechnology (anaerobic wastewater treatment technologies,fermentation technology, biofuel production from wastewater and low cost residual materials). In parallel, from 1984 to 1996, he was a lecturer in the Universities of Bonn (Germany)and Linz (Austria).