Georgia AntonopoulouResearcher

She is a Chemical Engineer and received her Ph.D degree from the University of Patras, Department of Chemical Engineering in 2006 and she continued as a Post-Doctoral fellow at University of Patras until 2011 and afterwards at FORTH/ICE-HT. Her research focuses on biofuels production via anaerobic digestion as well as via different types of fermentations (for H2 and ethanol production), MFC technology, pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass and modeling of microbial processes. She is Principal Investigator (2012-2015) of  “POST-GENIOUS” project (Postdoc fellowships, 150.000 €) and of the  ” META-FUELs” project (HFRI postdoc, 110.000 €) (2018-2021). She is a co-author of 36 articles in International refereed Journals (H index 15, citations: ~1181), 56 publications in Conference Proceedings and 7 book chapters. She has participated in 26 National and International Research projects, is Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Efficient Technology for the Pretreatment of Biomass II” ” Molecules” (MDPI) and Collaborative Academic Staff of the Hellenic Open University, in the Graduate Program “Waste Management”.


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