Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Oceanography in
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Chemistry,
Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry
Studies: Diploma of Chemistry, University of Athens (1975), Master of Science in Oceanography, University of Athens (1981) , Ph.D. of Chemistry, University of Athens (1990),
Educational activities: Teaching the graduate and postgraduate students of Chemistry and Oceanography about special aspects of Environmental Chemistry and Marine Chemistry and training them in the relevant laboratories. Participating in lifelong learning activities mainly as it concern Environmental Education
Research activities : His main research interests focuses on the chemical behaviour, distribution and circulation, of pollutants like heavy metals, nutrients and organic substances in aquatic environment and between the various environmental compartments. There is a specific interest for the cases of mercury, cadmium , chromium (VI). The study of the transfer of pollutants from the land to the sea (e.g. estuaries) is of high priority. Of particular importance is also the study of the different forms under which various elements occur in natural systems and which are responsible for their biological activity and impact (speciation). There is also work on application of anti-polluting technologies, study of sewage treatment plant and solid wastes, recycling facilities and their products, studies of environmental impact of various industrial sectors. Another topic of interesting environmental research is the relation between aquacultures and pollution of the marine environment and, finally, the research in “microenvironments” of special interest (lagoons, algal mats, ports, hot springs, etc). A lot of research projects funded by various sources (Local, National, European Union, international) have been accomplished collaboration with various Greek and European Laboratories.
Scientific publications: About 100 scientific publications (journals, books, special series ) and about 200 announcements in International or National conferences.
Other activities :
- Titular Member of Division of Chemistry and Environment of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
- President of European Federation of Marine Science and Technology Societies (EFMS) 2008-2013. Organization of two International Scientific Conferences of EFMS during 2002 and 2010
- President of the Hellenic Oceanographers Association 2000-2010
- Member of the Editorial Βοard of scientific journals like ‘’Advances in Oceanography and Limnology – AOL’’ and ‘’Environmental Aquatic Quality (EQA)’’