Michael J. Scoullos, Environmental/Water Chemist (MSc, DSc, University of Athens) and Oceanographer (PhD University of Liverpool).
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Chemistry at the University of Athens (UoA). Founder and Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry (2003-2017).
- Director of the UNESCO Chair and Network on “Management and Education for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean” (UoA).
- Team Leader of the large EU Programme “Sustainable Water Integrated Management-Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism” (SWIM-H2020 SM) (2016-2019) and of its follow up phase (2019-2023).
- Representative of the European Parliament in the Management Board and the Bureau of the European Environment Agency (EEA) (1992-2018).
- Chairman of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE). Coordinator of the MEdIES international network for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
- Chairman of the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med). GWP is one of the most important inter-governmental organizations on water, worldwide.
- Chairman of the Greek National Committee of MAB/UNESCO.
- Chairman of the International Panel of Experts of the World Bank for the Red Sea – Dead Sea Conveyor.
- Member of the European Academy of Sciences.
- Past President of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).
- Honorary Chairman of the Hellenic Society for the Environment and Culture.
- Co-Chair of the GAP /UNESCO Partner Network on Advancing Policy on ESD.
- Author of many books and more than 500 scientific articles. He has organised and chaired a very large number of International Conferences and Conventions.
- Awarded the Gold Medal of the City of Paris; the Simon Bolivar medal of UNESCO; Environmental Award of the Academy of Athens; Knight of St. John; Knight of the “National Order of Cedars”/ Lebanon, Medals by Popes Paul VI abd John-Paul II, Honorary Citizen of the City of Elefsis, Greece, etc.